Saturday, May 28, 2011

Windows 7 was registered with the wrong name? How to change that?

Click Start, type CMD
Right click CMD, click 'Run as Administrator'
At the command prompt, type regedit
Hit Enter

Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT
Click CurrentVersion
Double click "RegisteredOwner"
Enter your name

NOTE:- Before you do this, make sure you backup you registry, click File > Export.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Facebook Chat Smileys and Formatting

Happy :)

Really happy :D

Wink ;)

Happy eyes ^_^

Laughing eyes >:o

Cat smile :3

Grumpy >:(

Sad :(

Crying :'(

Shocked :O

Glasses 8)

Cool shades 8|

Tongue :P

Woot?! O.o

Dork -_-

Duhhh :/

Devil 3:)

Angel O:)

Kiss :*

Love < 3 (without the space otherwise it will look like this ?)

Pacman :v

Robot :|]

Dude :putnam:

Shark (^^^)

Penguin <(")

Forty Two :42:


Bold *Bold*

Underlined _Underlined_

Bold & Underlined *_Awesome_*


Find Out Your Computer's Sex

Follow the following steps and find out whether your computer is male or female?


1) Open Notepad

2) Copy the following script in notepad.

CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"I love YOU"

3) Goto File> Save as

4) Name it as Love.vbs and from File type select ALL FILES option and save it

5) Now run it and u will come Across the result.
